Welcome to Genphasis IP

Protect Your Ideas with Passion and Determination: GENPHASIS, Your Partner in Intellectual Property

About Us

In the 21st century, intellectual property is the most cherished treasure for innovative minds around the world. At GENPHASIS, we firmly believe that a company's value is not only measured in tangible assets, but also in its ideas and creativity. We are here to protect and maximize the value of your intangible assets. We are your ally on this journey.

We combine rigor, efficiency, and passion in everything we do. Our commitment is to help our clients maximize their investments in research and development. With extensive experience in various industries, we understand the needs and strategic concerns of businesses and how intellectual property assets can play an essential role in their growth.

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The patent system is designed to encourage inventions that are unique and useful to society.

Three different kinds of patents can be protected: invention patents, design patents and utility models. Invention patents are the most common type of patent, and these relate to new machines, drugs, processes, etc. A design patent is granted to protect the unique appearance or design of manufactured objects, such as the ornamentation or overall design of the object. Finally, utility models are meant to protect simpler inventions.

A patent application can be filed as a direct/conventional application or as a PCT national phase application. In our holding we count on a multidisciplinary team of engineers, chemists, biotechnologists and biologists with vast experience and knowledge in all fields of technology helping our clients to prosecute and protect their inventions worldwide.

The validation process consists of registering the granted patent into the individual countries where its rights will be protected. The validation is an administrative procedure, which means a new substantive examination for the patent will not be taken.

The Spanish legislation applicable for European patent validations states that the holder of a patent must submit a Spanish translation of the full text of the granted European patent. The deadline for submitting the translation is three months from the date the European Patent Bulletin published the mention of the granting.

Companies seeking to validate their patents in countries requiring claim or full translation need access to specialized translators with the deep industry, scientific and patent terminology knowledge necessary to provide patent translations in each specific technical field. For this reason, it’s important to work with an IP adviser who can match you to the right translator for your industry sector and specific needs. This can help to ensure that translations are faithful to the original text, and to the requirements of the designated countries.

In GENPHASIS we guarantee our clients all the steps to finish the validation procedure successfully will be carefully taken.

Patent applicants/owners and IP law firms engaged in patent prosecution understand the value of using trained patent translators.

Our patent translators are familiar with patent-specific technical terms, how the content of patents is organized, the vocabulary of the different classes of patents and the formatting and layout of patent specifications. We have built a reputable team of subject specialists in a wide variety of technology areas.

“Localization” is a more comprehensive process and addresses cultural and non-textual components as well as linguistic issues when adapting a product or service for another country.

In the patent field, a localization is performed to meet a country’s specific patent norms.


Our Team

Rogelio Valdes

Rogelio is the driving force and one of founders of the company. He obtained an Engineer’s Degree in Mechanics. He is a very experienced IP attorney working as a patent examiner for many years before moving to the private practice.

His main activity is running not just INGENIUM-IP but the entire holding. He very much enjoys working directly with clients and with patent cases and also advising clients and drafting and prosecuting patent applications.

Practice Areas


Medical devices


Spanish, English

Annia Rodriguez

Annia is one of the founders of the firms. She earned an Engineer’s Degree in Chemistry. As Rogelio, she is very experienced in IP matters working as a patent examiner for many years before moving to the private practice.

Her expertise from inside and outside a patent office is very valuable at the moment of advising clients, which is one of her activities at the company. She also has a vast experience on filing and prosecuting patent applications and filing validations.

Practice Areas



Spanish, English, French, Italian.

Jessica Rosete

Jessica has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Systems and Telecommunications, and a Master’s in Intellectual Property from Universitat de Barcelona.

With her experience in the Intellectual Property field, Jessica works advising clients seeking a patent protection in Spain. She has a vast experience in filing and prosecuting patent applications as well as validations.

Practice Areas




Spanish, English, French.

Raymi Valdes

Raymi has a Engineer’s Degree in Computer Systems and Software Developing.

With his experience in the Intellectual Property field, mainly in patents, Raymi works advising clients seeking a patent protection. He has a vast experience on filing and prosecuting patent applications and filing validations.

Practice Areas



Medical devises


Spanish, English.


Contact Us


Marques de Monistrol 5, 9D

Madrid, MAD 28011, Spain

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+34 913 9225 60

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Open Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00AM - 05:00PM

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